We are women of two countries--Canada and the United States--who share land, water, sky and song. The human-made borders between us do not divide, rather they give us different perspectives and gifts to share in peace and gratitude. We draw one another forth by supporting, challenging, creating and believing. The river that hugs both shores shows us how to embrace all aspects of our lives with integrity. We flow freely into sisterhood and song.
The heart of our bio-region
beats on both the Windsor, Ontario and the Detroit, Michigan sides
of the Detroit River. The bridge that connects us is called the
Ambassador Bridge. We know and love the Great Lakes that feed
and nourish the land on which we live--Lakes Erie, Ontario, Huron,
Superior and Michigan. We are women who live in cities, suburbs,
villages and rural areas. We travel from as far away as Toronto
and Northern Michigan to join together one full day a month to
sing and create community. Our ages range from our teen years
into our 80s. We have unique work and family lives but share a
commitment to Gaia, the planet Earth. It is this commitment and
a love of singing with women that have brought us together to
be part of this wondrous Vision of helping to sustain "O
Beautiful Gaia." May our children, our children's children
and their children's children harvest the seeds we lovingly sow
during the seasons of Autumn 2002 through Autumn 2003.
women of the Great Lakes Basin are fortunate to have two dedicated,
creative Great Lakes Basin coordinators in Joan Tinkess of Windsor,
Ontario and Penny Hackett-Evans of Rochester Hills, Michigan.
deepest gratitude goes to our sister-in-song ,Carolyn McDade,
for daring to dream this Dream into reality, and for inviting
the women of our bio-region to join our dreams to hers. And we
send heartfelt greetings to our sisters in Atlantic Canada and
Atlantic New England, for it is together that "O Beautiful
Gaia" will heal and transform each one of us, our communities,
and our wounded world. May it be so.
To visit the web pages of our "O Beautiful Gaia" sisters, simply click on the following links: