O Beautiful Gaia CD Ordering
Where the profits have been donated so far
O Beautiful Gaia
A Creative Arts Recording Project
Atlantic Canada
Great Lakes Basin
Atlantic New England
In the deepest recesses of our being we have heard the call…the first call,
the deepest call, the one in no way complete or brought to satisfaction…
the call of Earth…through waters and winds, forests and farmland, inviting
us to become one again with all that lives.
Following in the spirit and path of the women of western Canada who sang
their land, we, in Atlantic Canada, the Great Lakes Basin and Atlantic New
England have come together with Carolyn McDade to dream our
land and waters, with their myriad life forms, into a vision for the
future. In creating solidarity with earth and the generations to come,
we create community as women.
This project has taken place during the moons of four seasons beginning in
the fall of 2002. During the course of this project, a double CD HAS BEEN
created! It has beena deeply reflective
experience weaving singing, ritual, study and experiences on our land. Each
group has grounded in its bioregion for the reflection, singing and recording
of their portion.
Gradually the idea is taking form that Earth is common ground and that land
must be held in safekeeping for the generations to come. Support grows for
the land ethic that recognizes our 'common ground' from mountaintop to
meadow, river to rocky coast. Our lands may well hold an essential key to
the recovery of ourselves and the healing of the deep alienation and
violence in our cultures. As an integral part of this project are holding
true the notion that 'four acres' are needed for the safe passing of each
of us to nurture body and sustain soul. We will intentionally join with
conservancy groups to preserve and protect our common heritage.
Please join your energy to ours in a circle of women committed to living
this vision ~ humanity renewed in an Earth refreshed.
We know what we need to know
to enter this longing
We have what we need to have
to imagine with passion and compassion
what we might become
We see what must be seen
to flow with fury infused with love
Deep and tender…
Joan E. Tinkess ~ Great Lakes Basin - Ontario
Penny Hackett-Evans ~ Great Lakes Basin - Michigan
Chris Loughlin ~ Atlantic New England
Carolyn McDade ~
Jan Devine ~ Atlantic Canada
O Beautiful Gaia CD Ordering